Beyond Mandated Reporting
Consider personal and collective obligations in caring for child welfare. We will address incidental harms from involving the state.
Beyond Restraining Orders
How can we protect and care for loved ones experiencing abuse outside of the limited and harmful parameters of criminal-legal response?
Conflict Embodiment Lab
Come play, put the critic away! Find what you already know about moving through conflict through embodied, physical exercises.
Beyond HR Reporting: Another Way is Possible!
How can we challenge policing systems within nonprofits and build organizational cultures that support true accountability?
Beyond Victims' Rights
This workshop challenges the foundation of our criminal-legal system while also inviting deeper critique of its alternatives.
Taller de Teatro del Oprimido
Si quieres experimentar y vivir la tradición latinoamericana de protesta del teatro del oprimido, inscribete a este taller. El Teatro del oprimido difiere de otros tipos de teatro politico en cuanto a que no enseña ni propone soluciones, sino que su trabajo es dirigido por el protagonismo de las personas y de las historias que se encuentran en el centro de la injusticia.
Beyond Restraining Orders
What are viable alternatives to the harmful consequences of relying on the mechanisms of family law to keep survivors safe?
Beyond HR Reporting
How can we build liberatory organizational systems that center survivors rather than reproducing power hierarchies in the legal domain?
Beyond Mandated Reporting
Learn the legal requirements for reporting harm against children while integrating critical analysis of the criminal legal system.
Conflict Embodiment Lab
Experiment with theater-based tools and physicality to move through conflict and harm. No prior experience required; all abilities welcome!
Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop: Rainbow of Desire
Day-long intensive experiential training in Rainbow of Desire from the tradition of Theatre of the Oppressed
Orígenes y Principios Fundamentales de la Justicia Restaurativa (Día 3)
El papel de la justicia restaurativa en el proceso de sanación del trauma
Orígenes y Principios Fundamentales de la Justicia Restaurativa (Día 2)
La importancia de la práctica de la justicia restaurativa en las escuelas, comunidades y prisión
Orígenes y Principios Fundamentales de la Justicia Restaurativa (Día 1)
Introducción a la justicia restaurativa: orígenes, herramientas y prácticas (primer taller)